Yates Ethics Policies

Ethics section of Yates Township Board and Administrative Policies Manual

Yates Township - Board and Administrative Policies Manual - Ethics section

Yates Principles of Governance Pledge

Yates Township - Yates Principles of Governance Pledge

Complete Yates Township Board and Administrative Policies Manual

Yates Township - Board and Administrative Policies Manual as distributed

Complaint process

Section 3.5 from the Yates Township Board and Administrative Policies Manual:

“3.5 Reporting Improper Actions

Suspected improper actions shall be reported to the supervisor and/or clerk.”

Here is a possible form to use for ethics complaints that was developed by Yates People for Progress: Click here for a form which may be downloaded and filled out on your computer.

It is normal in Michigan for the signature of the person making the ethics complaint to be NOTARIZED prior to submitting it to avoid nusiance complaints and because of the seriousness of the complaint process. We included a Notary section at the end of the form.